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  • dianareyes9597


This was my first sketch towards my traveling door idea. I want to included roads, trees, building to see how the nature outside is beautiful. Instead I made this sketch a more of a fantasy picture that it doesn’t look to realistic.

This was my second sketch that continued the traveling door. Because I like to travel I decided to do a door with a sunset background that included tropical palm trees. I decided to do this sketch because whenever I travel and I go to the beach I love to see the sunset view. Seeing the sunset view makes me happy. I sketch this also because I thought that this view would make others feel happy because of the beautiful colors they are seeing. They can picture them self being in a tropical island and or looking at a nice relaxed beach in a hot weather country.

This was my third sketch of my traveling door idea. Because the last two ideas weren’t so realistic I want to paint on the glasses mirror from a picture I took from one of the countermeasures I’ve travel too which was Puerto Rico. But as I realize what will others think of this and or how does this relate to my theme of having a door a metaphor. Because I wanted to involve the counterbore I traveled to made my hard to realize what I wanted to really do.

This is my fourth picture I sketch towards my idea. I realize that suitcases are one object that people take when they travel. People who travel take values that they need and are important to them. I realize that to include this to my idea is important because travelers find a way to get excited to travel that sometimes they bring or buy objects they don’t need when they travel.

This was my fifth picture I sketch to recognize my traveling door ideas because of the places that I traveled too. I included Central America towards My idea of the exploring door because I have traveled to at least three countries that are located in central America.

I decided to put a world map as the background towards this idea because there are many different places around the world that people can travel to. The moral as going out to travel, is a way to get out of your comfort zone and to stop thinking towards negative thoughts. Being able to go out and explore, can bring you memories and explore new things such as what is this country and or state about. My whole meaning of having this as the background, is a way to find a place to travel that can be interesting to you instead of harmining yourself. This why is it important not to let your self down nor commit to negative consequence. It is the way of thinking towards the future and your health. So why not just go through a door and try to find and explore what the real world Is about. And in the middle the words “just go” will be printed on in black bold letters.

I am the type of person who gets mini anxiety attacks in life because I stress myself out. I worry about what others think and say towards me that affects me mentally. There are many days where I am feeling down, get depressed or just not in the mood and came to realize that the world we live in is so beautiful that my anger anxiety shouldn’t allow it to harm myself. In order for myself or others around me to stop feeling down, thinking of bad choices such as committing suicide or injuring yourself they should go out and explore until they find something that makes them happy. There are many things in life that make everyone happy whether it is painting, drawing, shopping, eating, cleaning, listening to music, or exercising. No matter what it is there is always a path that can make you happy. no matter what you decide to do you have to get yourself and open a door. I decided to begin with one thing that makes me happy when I am upset which is traveling. My door towards traveling is a way to explore and get out of your comfort zone. This sets a mindset towards finding a path that can let to mysterious happiness and memories being created. Throughout the semester, I looking forward to painting different doors that involve music, art, and cleaning as of different tasks that can make someone happy to get get out of their comfort zone. It will be a feeling they release as they go and explore what makes them happy by opening a door.

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